Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time flies!

What an exciting summer! In addition to my always busy schedule of photographing high school seniors, families, weddings, meeting with clients, and all of the other things that make the days zoom past, on July 30 our daughter, Jordan got married.

Twenty years of photographing weddings didn't prepare me for what it was like to be on the "other side" of a wedding. From going with Jordan to look at wedding gowns, to meeting with the florist, etc., it was all different from the "mother of the bride" perspective.

I have always encouraged my wedding clients to relax and ENJOY the wedding day. Most often, I get an eye roll, or a disbelieving relaxing and enjoying the wedding day are two things not on the list of possibilities.

From the start though, that was our goal. Happily, we were successful! We made it a point to savor and treasure each moment throughout the day-from getting hair done to lacing up Jordan's wedding gown, to watching her dad walk her down the aisle of the Cathedral. We took the time to greet and visit with family and friends at the reception, to taste the wedding cake, to truly listen to the toasts, and to take the time for a special dance with my husband during the reception. When the DJ announced the last dance, and we heard a collective disappointed sigh and moans from our guests that the evening was nearly over, we knew we were successful! My only regret? That we can't do it all again soon! Congratulations, Jordan and Jarrod! We love you!