Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pets and other family members

As you know, I photograph a lot of horses and horse shows, but I photograph all kinds of other animals too.
Clients are sometimes surprised that I enjoy including their pets in the family photo. Aren't they part of the family? Of course!

There is a family that I have photographed for about 9 years, starting with the parent's wedding, now them with their children. For several years in a row, I asked if they would like their small dog to be in the portrait. Each year the answer was no-the dog needed groomed, they didn't want her to shed on their outfits, etc. Last time that I photographed the family, the parents confided that they were so sorry that they didn't add their dog to their portrait the previous year, as the little dog died over the summer. How sad!
In October I set a personal record for the number of dogs, five, in a portrait--all cooperating and with ears perked up. Thought I would share a few recent family portraits-furry family members included!