Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 23 portrait sessions

In the "olden days", I used to anxiously watch for the FedEx truck to deliver my processed film and proofs...it was like Christmas! I couldn't wait to see the pictures that I had envisioned when I took them.

These days, I look forward to seeing the images full screen, on my laptop. Although I could "sneak a peak" when they are taken, I find doing that takes away from my focus on what is happening in that moment-especially during a wedding or reception. For me, I prefer to keep my attention on what it happening in front of the camera lens...not on the instant image on the back of my camera.

Saturday I photographed a grandmother with her son and his family. Multi-generational portraits are awesome, and I always appreciate the opportunity to photograph them. I imagine the baby's grandchildren looking at them one day, in a treasured family album.

After the family portraits were taken at Oak Park in Riverside (where we dodged the many disc golfers!), I headed to Church of the Resurrection in Northeast Wichita. There I photographed a boy scout troup at their last official get-together. Seven of the troup members had attained Eagle Scout status. What an impressive group of young men! We did photos at the park behind the school, at the grotto and the playground. Their scout leader wanted it to be a memorable, fun event, so that when they looked back at their photos from the afternoon, they would fondly remember their Boy Scout experience, and especially their Scout friends. It is always an honor to know that even "in the making", every person there knew that we were creating images that would be treasured for the rest of their lives.