Monday, November 7, 2011

Popular month for weddings

Traditionally, many think of June as the "big wedding month". For several years, October has been extremely popular, too. Perhaps due to the cooler weather, or autumn colors or maybe because there are no major holidays during October to work around.
This October, I started the month in Emporia with the wedding of Chandry and Brandon. They had a beautiful, formal wedding at the Presbyterian Church, then headed to the reception for a '"kickin' country" reception.
The second weekend of October I was in downtown Wichita at the 2oth Century Center for the wedding of Cydney and Chris. Their wedding was in the parlor, jam packed with friends and family. After the ceremony, they walked downstairs for their elegant reception. Despite the rain that evening, the newlyweds and guests had an amazing celebration.
The next October wedding was held at St. Vincent de Paul in Andover. Marcy and John had all of their formal photos taken before the ceremony, then took the time to greet their guests as they arrived at the church. What a wonderful touch! Immediately after the ceremony, the newlyweds hopped into a "Power Cat" K-State van, which played the Kansas State University fight song on their way to the reception at Andover's Central Park. Pictures? Definitely! Be patient though...they will be added soon!
Brittany and Austin were also married in October-more about their special day later...