Saturday, November 19, 2011


Let's see, oh yes! Photos from the wedding at St. Vincent de Paul! The bride and groom traveled from the church to the reception in an extremely unique Kansas State party van-complete with the K-State fight song played on the horn. Congratulations to Marcy and John!
Our final October wedding was at the University Methodist Church in Wichita. My assistant photographer and I met the bride, groom and wedding party at a fun, funky park in downtown Wichita. The bride and her attendant gracefully exited the limo, and we got great pictures of the pre-planned moment that the groom saw his bride for the first time on their wedding day.
After the outdoor photo session on that perfect autumn afternoon, everyone traveled to the church for formal portraits with their families, then the lovely ceremony.
Following the ceremony it was off to the 2oth Century Center for an elegant reception and dinner. Congratulations and best wishes to Brittany and Austin!