Monday, April 1, 2013

   I came across THE CHECKLIST via Huffington Post in an article about weddings and what brides wished they had done differently regarding their weddings. Several interesting points, including regrets about time spent planning minute details (seating charts). I appreciated the candor of the brides who outed their own "bridezilla" moments, and the very basic wish to have used more lipstick during the day. 
   As a photographer, the 12% who wished they hadn't spent as much money on photos worries me. Did the photographer not live up to the expectations they presented? Or were the photos just so bad that even $1 spent on them was too much? (With the advent of  the "everyone with a camera is a photographer" mentality, I've known of this happening.)
   On the flip side, more than 20% of brides wished that they had spent MORE money on a photographer. Perhaps they had a "friend with a nice camera" as the "photographer" for their wedding, and once the results were presented, regretted their choice. Imagine the many stories of angst and anguish that are behind those survey results. On the other hand, look at all of the positive percentages and information.
   If you are planning a wedding, find proven professionals and hold them accountable for the service and talent they represent. The true professionals will consider that an honor and privilege.