My husband and I went to the premier of a privately produced movie last night, "Ragamuffin, The Story of Rich Mullins". Excellent movie about the life of an exceptionally talented Christian singer/songwriter who died in a car crash. Rich Mullins was a chain smoking, angst filled man who enjoyed a drink quite often. What struck me is how alone he felt, despite having close, wonderfully supportive friends. He felt unworthy of love, broken, a ragamuffin.
But really, aren't we all? No matter how we present ourselves to others, deep down inside, most of us are struggling with insecurities, grappling with fear. We feel that everyone else "has it together", and that we alone are obviously flawed and imperfect. The irony is that every single person on earth, old or young, rich or poor, great or small, at some point in their life has had that same thought and feeling.
Not to oversimplify things, but in a way, that's why I love being a photographer. I strive to find at least one feature or characteristic of my subject and encourage them with their own beauty, inside or out. It might be their tentative smile, vivid green eyes, or graceful hands. Perhaps it is the way they describe how they met their fiance', with love lighting up their face. Each little nuance speaks to me of our shared humanity-our fears, hopes and dreams.
When you look at a wedding photo or senior portrait or family reunion photograph that I captured for you, my wish is that it brings a smile, a remembrance of a happy moment, a confirmation of the light inside that makes you, YOU.